If you have access to candies or bullheads 20-35 lbs are being caught pretty regularly.
Sturgeon fishing has been slow...lots of shakers in the 30-35" range on eel and grass shrimp.
Foundation Sportsman's Club Presents The Original Sturgeon Derby |
![]() Nice Bass! We hear the stripers are on the take in Honker and all over the line right now! Shad, pile worms, sardines and grass shrimp seem to be the ticket. Decent sized fish are being taken...25-30 inches. If you have access to candies or bullheads 20-35 lbs are being caught pretty regularly. Sturgeon fishing has been slow...lots of shakers in the 30-35" range on eel and grass shrimp.
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![]() Shelby Clements and his first 33" shaker sturgeon Last weekend a club member caught 2 monster stripers... a 38 and a 36 pounder...Now that's a nice limit! He was using splits in 40' near the entrance to Pittsburg Marina. Another club member and his guest scored a limit of 10-15 pounders out by Middleground on bullheads and splits. Some of our Facebook fans have been reporting shakers by Sherman Island, a keeper by the green buoy and a respectable trolling limit near River's End Marina in Tracy! A buddy of mine, Jim Millward ventured up into the Sierras to Union Valley Reservoir last weekend for some trout...he got a few small rainbows. He says it was still really cold but had a great time. I was able to get out yesterday with my Uncle Shelby...we started out in a steady rain and headed over to the deep by Snag Island...the water was glass all day...a beautiful day...slow on the bite though. Although, Shelby was finally able to catch and release his first shaker sturgeon! 33" fork length caught on an eel / grass shrimp combo hors d'oeuvre ....giving him a good fight and keeping us on our toes the rest of the day! Hope everyone is able to get out this weekend and hunt for some fish in between Easter egg hunts! ![]() Several of us members were on the water this past weekend. A few were in 20-25' between the Middle Ground and Ryer and picked up some nice stripers in the 15 lb range on splits and bullheads. Others worked around Garnet Point and landed a limit on pile worms and grass shrimp. B&S Bait says a lot of fish are being taken on whole anchovies. Yours truly was out Sunday afternoon soaking grass shrimp and eel in 40-45' on the line....got 3 shaker sturgeon. I plan on being out there on the stripers next weekend! We had a little hiccup over the weekend when migrating OriginalSturgeonDerby.com to a new hosting service, but everything is now back up and 100% operational!
So let's hear some fish reports! And upload some pics and videos! ![]() According to everyone we spoke with on Thursday through Saturday (yesterday), the sturgeon bite has been really tough...along with stripers. Most of the locals are blaming the cold water temperatures for the slow bite. Water temperature at Port Chicago is at 48* today according to wunderground.com. According to the local weather reports, by Wednesday daytime highs will be into the mid to upper 60's with night time lows climbing into the mid to upper 40's by Friday. This may just be what the Dr. ordered to get the water temperature just a few degrees warmer turning the bite on for the Original Sturgeon Derby this coming Super Bowl weekend! Most people say the striper bite has turned off completely and the weather is just too cold right now...But not the old timers...they've just changed their tactics a bit!
I was told to take a lot of coffee, my balance beam and some small baits (splits & bullheads) and head out in the 40 - 45' depth range. They say the bites will be very light but to set that hook like you're hitting a home run! I'll be giving it a shot! See ya on the water! A friend of the club sent me this today so I'm passing it along! If you're in the Sacramento area check it out!
Sacramento Fisherman's Warehouse Thursday Seminar for Nov 29th: Sturgeon Fishing with "RT Hook" Jay Lopes Sturgeon fishing has been very good lately. Jay has been putting lots of sturgeon in the boat both keepers & over size fish! Come learn how to set up your equipment and what to use for bait? Also he will be talking about all the proposed new rules for sturgeon fishing in 2013? Don't miss this seminar if you want to catch some sturgeon! Seminar starts at 6 pm sharp! What's HOT? Sturgeon: from Martinez to Cache Slough! Lots of fish in the system! Stripers: Fish are moving into the delta in big numbers Trout: Berryessa as trout are up on the surface, Wragg Canyon HOT! According to a few reliable sources this morning from around the coffee pot....
No bites at all yesterday just outside McAvoy Harbor using small and large splits ... but another member picked up 3 stripers up by Meeks in the teens and the smallest was 13 lbs. Bullheads were the hot ticket! Another old timer reminded us that now that the weather is getting colder there are balls of shad baitfish emerging further upstream and they'll be headed up to feed. |
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February 2014